- Local Outreach – Door to Door Evangelism
- Children’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Marriages and Family Ministry
- Music Ministry
- The Social – Birthdays, Anniversaries
- Weddings for:
- Members & Non-Members,
- On-location services or at VRC
- Pre-Marital Counseling is available upon request
- Prayer Ministry
- Team Ministry
- Media Team
- Cleaning Team
- Usher’s Team
- Gate Keepers
- Parking Lot Team
Mission Projects:
VRC mission projects are in two folds-local and international. We support missionaries locally and network with other organizations and ministries to meet spiritual, physical, social and other needs of people in developing countries of the world in the following areas.
- Healthcare Support to needy communities within identified nations especially in Africa and around the world.
- Financial/material support to schools and, scholarships to identified students that are blessed with academic potentials in the developing nations around the world.
- Basic amenities to disasters and poverty ravaged communities such as clothing, shoes, food supplies and sundries.
Daycare Center:
This dream is targeted at the financially underprivileged parents and children in view of the current unfriendly economic climate within the nation. VRC intends to subsidize this venture in order for it to be commonly affordable and available to the generality of people who would hitherto not have been able to afford it.
Life Center:
This center will serve as a Pro Life center for teenagers, singles, and married people as well. Protecting the sanctity of human life. Our first priority is to give aid and comfort to abortion-vulnerable women in unplanned and crisis pregnancies, so that they ultimately choose life and carry their babies to term. We support with resources needed to help people to make right choices in such challenging situations.
Dream Center:
This is a Creative Art Education & Literacy center with the goal of encouraging and motivating talents in creative nature such as Sewing, Cooking, and Jewelry making, Music, Drama, etc and supporting learning through after school programs and tutoring, inspiring our youth, teenagers and preteen to dream big and aim high in education. We will provide sundries, like food, drinks, and materials in a suitable environment. This is one way we can help our community to reduce crime and other vices. Easy English School is our adult Education program helping to provide literacy among non speaking English people in our community, for effective and better communication.
Hope Center:
This is designed to create hope for the hopeless and bring light to where darkness once reigned. Our goal is to have a half way home that will support those who have been battered by critical life choices, which resulted in damaged esteem that elicited social taboo.
The Orphanage(s) will cater for orphans within and outside our community around the world. We intend to support organizations and ministries that focuses on children that fall into this category from any part of the world.
This will enhance our vision of perfecting the Saints, with the knowledge of God’s word and opportunities to learn from various gifts and talents that have been put into books for edification of God’s people.
Word Training Center: This will be the conduit of knowledge dissemination and impartation of spiritual gifts to raise discipleship for the work of Ministry especially in this end time, where harvest of souls will be one of the major event that will characterize the second coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Ushers is a ministry that makes sure that everyone is welcomed in VCC by hosting the visitors, assisting the congregation and maintaining order throughout the service.
Strong & Serious is a Youth Ministry based on 1 John 2:14 designed to meet the spiritual need of youth from ages 12-18. The ministry focuses on teaching the 21st generation the uncompromising truth in Sunday School, Youth Classes, Wednesday Nights, Youth Nights, Youth Sundays and other activities to equip the youth to be strong in the Word of God and serious in knowing their destiny and fulfilling divine calling upon their lives.
Christ Ablaze is a Children’s Ministry that teaches the little one to know the Lord and His Word from the early years on Sunday mornings and Wednesday night classes.
Men of Integrity is a Men’s Ministry that meets on the fourth Saturday of every month in different members houses to fellowship and support one another in fulfilling their responsibilities as husbands, fathers and priests. They have a Quarterly outreach breakfast fellowship that targets believers and unbelievers, from different works of life, and from different churches and denominations.
Women of Influence is a Fellowship of all women in VCC with the goal of helping to fulfill the vision of the church – “reaching the un reached and perfecting the saints.” The women take care of all the household needs of the church and provide support in all domesticated programs. They meet monthly on every 1st Sunday, to strategize and provide encouragement for one another. They also have a quarterly, Lock In Prayer & Fasting to intensely seek the face of God for the church family. They organize various symposium for women education with anointed speakers.
Media Department is a multimedia umbrella department that includes – Video and CD recordings, publications, and technical crew. They are responsible for producing and providing necessary tools for smooth and effective running of the church services.
Worship Team is a group of musically skilled individuals that lead the church family in praising God through music on Sundays as well as at other church activities. Youth Worship Team is privileged to minister on every 5th Sunday of the month. The worship team meets on Saturdays for practice.
Evangelism Team is a ministry targeted towards “Preaching the Gospel in our community. They conduct door to door evangelism and visitations to homes and periodically hold outreach programs, such as picnics, food and household goods distributions in collaboration with World Vision International and offer other humanitarian support services to attract people from the community to come hear the good news. Regular evangelism outreach is held on Wednesdays, Saturdays and occasional Sundays. The group welcome new visitors, and periodically follow-up on members and new comers.
Home Group: We encourage home group fellowship to provide opportunity for families to meet at their convenience on Fridays for fellowship and Bible study. The aim is to promote family values and create opportunities for friends and neighbors to experience the love of God in our homes.
Pastoral Care Team is a group of people that takes care of an often neglected group of people in the church – church ministers and their families through prayers and celebration of important personal occasions in their lives, such as Birthdays, wedding anniversaries or other memorable occasions. They also plan rest and vacation times for pastors to get refreshed.
Administration: Church Administration is under the Senior Pastors of the Church who with the assistance of other members of different teams help the church to run smoothly at administrative level.
Cleaning Team is responsible for ensuring environmental cleanliness and safety in the church and it premises